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Chanting Yoga Sutras

with Carolina Bavio

Friday, 17th January at 15:30 - 16:30

Yoga Sutra Chanting is a singing meditation where you learn to chant the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali by heart.


Held on the second Friday of each month, this class will expand our breathing capacity for effortless singing, increase our awareness of hearing melodies, pronouncing Sanskrit words, and understanding rhythm, sensitize our system to other people's voices and the vibration of space, train our ability to stay focused for long periods of time, and learn to chant yoga sutras by heart. 


This class is open to everyone. No previous experience is necessary. Drop-in is possible, but please be aware that we will be adding sutras from week to week.

Price: 15€

The Lab & AHB Students: 10€

USC + 5€


Breath & Bandhas

with Javiera Lagos

Saturday, 25th January at 11:00 - 13:00

Our breath is a powerful tool for softening and deepening our yoga practice. Through the breath we can lengthen, expand and reach different parts of our body. When we add the proper activation of the bandhas, we can connect with the inner strength of our body that lifts us up and separates us from the force of gravity, making us lighter, holding us, and giving us the quality of floating in our practice.


The Ujjayi breath and bandhas are one of the three fundamental pillars of the Ashtanga Yoga system, giving us the pace of our movement and the benefits that allow us to have greater body awareness both in our daily lives, improving our posture and quality of movement in the yoga practice  or in different sports. It is also a starting point for cultivating a meditative pranayama practice.


This workshop is open to anyone who is curious to explore the breath.

Price: 35€

The Lab Students: 25€

USC Check-in + 25€

Ashtanga Mysore Style Workshop
Unlimited month practice 

with Javiera Lagos

Saturday, 25th January at 14:00 - 17:00 hrs

In this workshop you will learn the Ashtanga Yoga system from the ground up. We will cover the importance of Tristhana, which includes breath, gaze and posture. We will experiment with different exercises to discover how to connect with the bandhas and ujjayi breath. Learn about the different dristhis (points of gaze), and get on the mat to practice sun salutations, standing poses, and finishing sequences of the primary series.

Mysore style is the traditional method of learning, practicing and teaching Ashtanga Yoga. It involves a personal moving meditation in which each breath leads to the next movement following a sequence of postures. This method allows practitioners to own their practice and get to know themselves through it. In the Mysore room, everyone practices at their own pace while the teacher provides individualized assistance to meet each student’s needs. The group connects through the breath, creating a motivating and supportive energy of ‘we are in this together’.


Come as you are!

Price: 90€ ​


There is an option to use USC Check-ins as a discount on the price.


4 Check-ins USC M + 68€ 

8 Check-ins USC L+ 38€â€‹


Student/social price on request.


Poster Inner Cosmos.jpeg

Inner Cosmos

with Silvia Bachetti

Friday, 31th January at 19:30 - 21:00hrs

As above so below, as within so without


Every new moon of the month we'll meet for an evening of reflections and exchange around the topics brought up by the lunation. Through meditation, iconography and talks we'll explore together the potential and challenges that arise from the current astrological conditions. This will also be an opportunity to dig deeper into the astrology archetypes, observing how these can be tools for interpreting our outer and inner reality.


Please bring your yoga mat and to avoid screens don’t forget your printed natal chart, as we will see how the collective blends with your individual experience.


Calculate here your Natal Chart


Join our Telegram community 

Price: 15€

The Lab & AHB Students: 10€

USC Check-in + 10€


Image: Jupiter in Virgo, 1965. René Magritte

Open Your Hips Workshop

Exploring the first Half of the Ashtanga Primary Series

with Javiera Lagos



The Open Your Hips Workshop is an immersive session dedicated to the first half of the Ashtanga Primary Series. This workshop is designed for practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of hip opening asanas, improve flexibility, and develop safe, sustainable techniques for their practice.



We'll focus on the foundational postures of the Primary Series, exploring each one with mindful attention to technique, alignment and vinyasa. Together we'll dive into the biomechanics of hip movement, discussing the role of muscle engagement, joint alignment and bandhas activation in achieving safe and effective hip opening postures.



This workshop is perfect for those who want to deepen their connection to their hips in their practice. Whether you're new to the Primary Series or looking to refine your technique, this workshop will give you the tools and sensitivity to go deeper with your practice.


Price: 45€

The Lab Students: 35€

USC Check-in + 35€

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